Throughout mid and southern Africa.
Northern South America
Mid India
Northern Australlia
This map shows where Savannas are found it is highlited in orange.
Information found from:
Human Influence
Humans influence the savannas’ in many different ways. One way humans influence the savannas is that they burn down the high grass so they can see animals when they hunt but it is illegal.
“Human induced land use change has a greater effect on savanna structure and NPP than any other environmental changes. Savannas generally have low human population density as their capacity to support intensive agriculture and livestock grazing are poor; however, population pressure and land-use changes are likely to be greater here than in other biomes over the coming decades.” Says J.I. House and D.O. Hall from human influence.
A savanna is grassland. The area is mainly a flat land with scattered trees. Savannas are usually found in between forests deserts or parries. Savannas take up 20% of the world. This is the main physical description of a savanna.